Tax Controversy

Our tax-litigation team successfully handles audit procedures, including negotiating agreements between taxpayers and the tax authorities, as well litigations before administrative courts and constitutional proceedings. 

SMPS Legal’s Tax Department is uniquely qualified as it is an all-encompassing tax consulting and litigation practice where both teams provide both consulting and litigation services, with a clear vision of the financial and legal aspects of every issue impacting the client.  

Our tax litigation team outstands in designing strategies and handling the course and argumentation of the defense and representation of national and foreign clients in trials involving general laws and regulations and actions or omissions by federal, local or municipal tax and administrative authorities. 


The team provides legal services regarding to conclusive agreements complaints, systemic analysis and complaints before the Procuraduría de la Defensa del Contribuyente (PRODECON). Additionally, they also handle administrative litigation proceedings, whether summary, ordinary or substantive, before the Federal Court of Administrative Justice, direct and indirect amparo proceedings, before the Federal Judiciary, including before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.  

Our lawyers support the clients’ defense by challenging credit refusals, imposition of administrative penalties, tax credit settlements, undue charges and decisions of the tax authority generally, which are unfavorable to such party by filing the appropriate defenses considering the planned defense strategy and the particularities of each case, whether it be an administrative appeal against such authority, contentious administrative proceedings with the Administrative Justice Court, or constitutional rights (amparo) proceedings before Federal Courts, including proceedings against dismissive judgments and, as appropriate, partial grievance recourse or amparo proceedings. 

The Firm’s tax litigation team is highly skilled in defending clients from diverse industries, including Information Technology; Financial System; Construction and Infrastructure; Hospitality and Tourism sectors, Aviation, among others. 

“Los abogados de SMPS Legal tienen una amplia experiencia en la gestión de asuntos y transacciones complejas. El equipo es sólido, diligente y detallista.” 

Chambers & Partners 


Luis Curiel Piña

Socio, Ciudad de México