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Update of the pre-merger notification thresholds effective as of February 2025
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, January 16th, 2025 – Following the update of the Measurement Unit (“UMA” for its acronym in Spanish) 1 published in the Federal Official Gazette on January 10, 2025, the monetary values triggering the thresholds outlined in Article 86 of the Federal Economic Competition Law for pre-merger notification have been increased. These adjusted values will come into effect as of February 1st, 2025.
Consequently, the amounts that, as of February 1st, 2025, will trigger the thresholds for notifying concentrations are as follows:
- When the originating act or sequence of acts, notwithstanding the place where they are carried out, involve an amount in Mexican territory, directly or indirectly, exceeding the equivalent of MXN$2,036,520,000.00 (approx. USD$98,361,225.82);2
- When the originating act or sequence of acts, involves the accumulation of 35% or more of the assets or shares of an economic agent, whose annual sales originating in Mexican territory or assets in the national territory, exceed the equivalent of MXN$2,036,520,000.00 (approx. USD$98,361,225.82); or
- When the originating act or sequence of acts, involves an accumulation within Mexican territory of assets or equity exceeding the equivalent of MXN$950,376,000.00 (approx. USD$45,901,905.38); and when the concentration involves two or more economic agents whose annual sales originating in Mexico or assets in Mexico, jointly or separately, exceed MXN$5,430,720,000.00 (approx. USD$262,296,602.19).
Additionally, it is relevant to consider that as of January 1st, 2025, the official fees for notification of concentrations amount to MXN $247,820.09 (approximately USD $11,969.38).3
The Antitrust practice group at SMPS Legal is at your service for any inquiries or comments related to this matter.
1 Daily value, starting February 1, 2025, will be MXN $113.14.
2 The figures are presented using an exchange rate of $20.7045 pesos per 1 U.S. dollar, effective as of January 10th, 2025, as per information from Mexico’s Central Bank.
3 Pursuant to Article 77 of the Federal Contributions Law and Annex 19 of the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2025, publishedWhose in the Official Gazette on December 30, 2024.